Ambassadors serve as a customer service arm of the Henderson County Chamber, reaching out to new members of the business community. Ambassadors help new chamber members settle into their roles of serving in areas such as: welcome committees, open houses, ground breaking, industry announcements, press conferences, rallies, Business After Hours and membership drives.
These monthly meetings are enjoyed by small businesses in a relaxed atmosphere to learn something informative and educational from a guest speaker. All attendees may take advantage of networking and promotional opportunities, and recognition of new guests and nonprofits helps everyone learn more about our community.
Leadership Henderson County provides structured exercises and presentations that explore theories of leadership and personal power, as well as decision-making through group discussion, analysis and probing. There are nine one-day seminars that focus on a major area of community concern and explore the issue of leadership within the context of the day’s subject. Participants are given the opportunity to explore controversial issues with leaders representing a broad range of community interests about the selected topic. The goal of each day is to open the minds of each participant to the perspectives that surround each issue and, through thoughtful consideration of those perspectives, enable participants to become visionary leaders in the community.
A networking opportunity, Business After Hours brings together chamber members and their guests (potential chamber members). At Business After Hours, you will be able to meet people representing products and services in a social setting. Please contact the Chamber at 731-968-2126 if you would like to host an event at your business.
Mark the official opening of your business, and let us welcome you into our business community by having a ribbon cutting event. This will introduce you and your new business by letting everyone know your location and what products you offer. We host ribbon cuttings throughout the year for other occasions such as moving to a new location, celebrating a milestone or a grand reopening. Let us increase your visibility and engage the community in your celebration.